Beginner Adults
FAQ for Beginner Adult Karate
Do I have to be in shape to join?
Not necessarily - our competent instructors will factor in your age and fitness level when conducting the class - if you are concerned, check with your doctor first
Will I be expected to do dozens of push ups and other types of conditioning exercises?
Absolutely not. In the beginner classes, we focus on helping you develop good form and you will be allowed to work at your own level
Will it take a long time before I am fit enough to perform the basic exercises in the class?
It depends on lots of things - your current fitness level, your overall health and the consistency and frequency of your training. Supplemented with practice at home and by attending classes regularly, you will see dramatic results in a few months
Will I have to break boards?
Definitely not. Breaking boards and bricks has little to do with regular practice and more to do with testing the spirit and is mostly done by advanced students.
"As an adult beginner I did wonder a bit if I would fit in with younger more advanced students. From the first class I felt at home and have enjoyed the training from day one!" -- D.H.
When: Thursdays 7 - 8 PM
Who: Any person between the ages of 12 and 99 years old
What: Learn karate from our Black Belt Instructors and Assistant Instructors
Where: At West Coast Gojukai Karate: 3 - 3160 Westwood St, Port Coquitlam
Or check us out on Facebook at westcoastgojukai
Sign up for the Beginner Package in Sept or Jan and get 4 months for the price of 3!